Birthday party entertainer in Leighton Buzzard
What We Do
What Areas do you Cover?
Smartie Artie covers a wide area, including London and beyond. Check the map on the Areas We Cover page for details.
What time does Smartie Artie arrive?
He arrives 15 minutes before the party begins.
How long is the party?
Two hours, including a break for tea.
Will Smartie Artie run the full party ?
Can Smartie Artie do a one hour show?
What does Smartie Artie supply?
Smartie Artie will supply all that is required for the entertainment including prizes for games and will supply a pass the parcel.
How long does tea last?
It depends on how fast they eat! Normally between 20-30 mins.
Does Smartie Artie help during tea?
Yes. He will help and get them to sing Happy birthday for the cake and blowing out of candles.
When do we break for their tea?
Halfway approx 45mins.
Where do you feed them?
Ideally in separate room for the entertainment.
At tables or simply sit them on the floor picnic style.
At tables or simply sit them on the floor picnic style.
Is there limit on the number of children we can invite?
No but as rule of thumb the average party is the size of a class…20-30 approx.
If you can house and feed them we will entertain them!
If you can house and feed them we will entertain them!
Do we need to book a hall?
Not as much space as imagined is needed.
We often we perform in houses ,You usually get a nicer party if you can do it at home.They are more comfortable as a rule in a house than a hall.
Of course we have no problem performing in halls .A smaller hall is better than a big one .
We often we perform in houses ,You usually get a nicer party if you can do it at home.They are more comfortable as a rule in a house than a hall.
Of course we have no problem performing in halls .A smaller hall is better than a big one .
Can you do a party in…?
We can perform in all sorts of venues just ask!
What ages do you perform for ?
Smartie Artie is best for children from around 3 yr to 7yrs .After this age a disco type party with Pj the Funk DJ or Lenny and his Saturn Sounds disco is a great choice…or maybe a Magic workshop party.
Can you cope with mixed age group?
Yes .It is best if they are close in age It is a matter of what appeals to different ages.
Can you do a party in the garden?
Yes is the short answer but they can be distracted outside by all manner of things trampolines ,swings garden toys etc to name but a few.
If you must do a party outside make sure they have a blanket or ground sheet of some description for them to sit on and in the shade too is best .
If you feed them in the garden the distraction element still applies.
Do we need more than one Smartie Artie?
For larger events we can supply more if required but one Smartie Artie is all you need for a birthday party.
Do you do just Birthday parties?
Smartie Artie can provide entertainment for all sorts of celebrations and parties.
Christmas, Halloween, Wedding receptions, christenings,Nursery and school shows. shopping centres and promotions to name a few!
Christmas, Halloween, Wedding receptions, christenings,Nursery and school shows. shopping centres and promotions to name a few!